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ARP 11mm Head Bolts.
ARP 11mm Head Studs.
Main stud put together specifically for the 89-up common block including the t-3 block. The 6 inner studs are longer than the 4 outer studs to accomadate the common block configuration.
ARP intake bolts for 8v late style intakes. include a packet of molylube.
ARP main stud set for non-common block engines. Includes ten studs, nuts, washers and molylube.
ARP assembly moly lube. For use in torqueing ARP bolts and studs to the proper torque setting. Individual packet.
A premium grade 8740 alloy chrome moly steel is used to manufacture ARP High Performance connecting rod bolts. This material is heat treated to provide a tensile strength in the 190,000 range, which is substantially stronger than the OEM bolts. Cycle testing shows ARP high performance rod bolts to be nearly 5 times more reliable than stock bolts.
ARP 8740 "wave-lok" rod bolts
Bracket for k-frame needed when using a dog bone, or bobble strut. Great for using on a555 conversions or when using a replacement K-frame that is not already equipped with a bracket.
Set of 8 studs and 8mm flanged nuts for attaching the exhaust manifold. For 8 valve heads only. Does not fit 16 valve head.
Set of 8 intake manifold bolts.
Motor mount set needed to install an srt4 motor in a NON l-body like daytona, shadow, spirit, lancer, lebaron 1990 and newer
Mount set needed to install an srt4 motor in a 89 and earlier NON L-body like daytona shadow spirit etc
Mounts needed to put an srt4 motor in a L-body (omni charger)
Mopar Performance front motor mount.
Mopar Performance motor mount for the right side.
oil pan bolt kit. Fits both early and common block engines
Poly pass. side filled mount from Made from heavy duty poly urethane, this mount transmits no vibration. Easy to install and long lasting. May be the last side motor mount you'll ever need. Fits 91 and up motors.
High quality polyurethane bushings for the alternator mount.
alternator bushings for 90 and up vehicles that take the smaller bushing
Rear bobble strut for 5 speed transmissions. Made with poly mounts and a solid shaft, firm yet no annoying vibration like other solid mounts.
Poly front mount from Polybushings. Made from heavy duty poly urethane, this mount transmits no vibration. Easy to install and long lasting. May be the last front motor mount you'll ever need. Fits 83- early 90 motors.
Poly front mount from Made from heavy duty poly urethane, this mount transmits no vibration. Easy to install and long lasting. May be the last front motor mount you'll ever need. Fits late 90 and later motors.
Poly pass. side mount from Made from heavy duty polyurethane, this mount transmits no vibration. Easy to install and long lasting. May be the last side motor mount you'll ever need. Fits 83-89 motors.
Stock style late tranny insert filled with polyurethane. 1990 and up.
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Transmission mount insert. Fits bracket on 85-90 5 speed transmission brackets. Does not fit 90 VNT or 91-up cars.
This is the 91 amd later style large transmission mount insert for 5 speed cars. Stock replacement, not poly
Valve cover bolt kit. Fits all 8 valve covers, Only. We have a seperate kit for the 16v lotus covers in the 16v section